Wednesday 12 December 2012

[XBOX] Halo History Pack has Arrived!!

Hi gamers and collectors!

Welcome back to another addition to the XBOX collection and here I have the Halo History Pack. All you Halo fans out there will love this! The History Pack, released in Japan as the "Platinum Collection" contains both copies of Halo and Halo 2. So is that it? Not quite, an added XBOX 360 compatibly check CD-ROM was included for those who wanted to use Halo and Halo 2 on their XBOX 360. The History Pack was release in 2007.

Since it's a Platinum Collection also known as "Classics" in the US, Europe and Australia, the games are both Platinum copies. There was a Halo Triple Pack released later on with the Halo 2 Map Pack Disc, that pack didn't have "classics" copies.

Just for the Halo Collectors out there, I'll show you the insides of both games...

As mentioned before the Halo History Pack comes with an XBOX 360 CD-ROM to check compatibly with XBOX titles!

Pretty cool huh? So there you have the Halo History Pack! - I'll be making a video on this one sometime soon. 

More games to come during the week, see you there.


  1. wow, great, I was wondering how to cure acne naturally. and found your site by google, learned a lot, now i’m a bit clear. I’ve bookmark your site and also add rss. keep us updated. microsoft xbox one

  2. Really cool but how much is it?
